Oct 29, 2020
Gensler’s firmwide senior living leader Tama Duffy Day interviews industry experts on essential principles to consider as we look at the current moment as a unique opportunity for change. Stephanie Firestone is a Senior Strategic Policy Advisor for Health & Age-Friendly Communities at AARP International; Dr. Bill...
Oct 22, 2020
In a world of 7.6 billion people and counting, there’s bound to be repetition somewhere, right? In today’s post-modern age, it’s hard to ignore the omnipresence of content and product surrounding us. A simple scroll through social media might unveil a common pattern of rehashed content. But even in our...
Oct 9, 2020
As designers, the pandemic has challenged us to rise to the occasion and create better opportunities for interconnectivity in our future world. Without our physical studios, materials libraries, and in-person teams, our design processes shifted and our sources of inspiration have evolved. Today we’re inviting Gensler...