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Gensler Design Exchange

The Gensler Design Exchange creates a dialogue between design experts, creative trendsetters, and thought leaders to discuss how we shape the future of cities.

Apr 21, 2023

In this episode, we examine decarbonization in the built environment. We define embodied carbon vs. operating carbon, address net carbon impact, discuss how we approach resilience with our clients, and weigh the impact of carbon in interior design.

Mar 28, 2023

In honor of Women’s History Month, this episode of the Gensler Design Exchange podcast is celebrating women in the industry, including right here in our own firm. Three women in leadership roles within Gensler share their stories about their career paths.

Apr 8, 2022

Moderator: Nadia Volchansky, LEED AP, NCIDQ

Strategy Lead





Senior Associate, Regional Consulting Practice Area Leader



Gensler is filled with innovative individuals who have diverse perspectives. This unique nature allows our people to approach projects...

Feb 25, 2022

About 2% of all licensed architects identify as Black or African American, and .4% are Black or African American women. While racial diversity in the architecture field is slowly growing, there is a wide gap to fill. In today's episode of the Gensler Design Exchange podcast, two Gensler employees engage in a...

Feb 10, 2022

In our 9th workplace survey since the start of the pandemic, Gensler's latest U.S. Workplace Survey contains data collected from more than 2,300 U.S. office workers from October to November 2021. This particular survey digs into both employers' and employees' preferences and expectations for the future, and the...